How to Clean Your Garden with a Lawn Mower

The garden, especially in spring and summer, needs regular cleaning of the grass, which grows by itself. Since frequent mowing of the garden helps, not only to clean it but also to grow healthy and beautiful grass, it is time to invest in a good lawnmower.

The lawnmower is a gasoline-powered hand-held machine, able to help you clean the garden, even in the most difficult places. But, as with all machinery jobs, so does the lawnmower. That’s why we give you some tips on how to clean your garden efficiently and safely!

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Before you start cleaning

For everyone and especially for amateurs, who are now trying to clean your garden using a lawnmower, it becomes necessary to use some special clothing, which will facilitate your work. Also, be aware that freshly cut grass will stain your clothes, so go for something you don’t mind getting dirty. But above all, don’t wear baggy clothes, because they can put you at risk of injury.

Additional equipment to use is safety glasses, as various leaves, rocks and more are thrown. If noise bothers you, use protective, noise-reducing headphones. Finally, to avoid skin irritations, you must wear a mask, gloves, closed boots and long pants, so that your skin does not come into contact with pollen, dust and other allergenic substances.

Start cleaning

Having chosen the right lawnmower, you are ready to start mowing the garden. But, for your own safety and that of those around you, you must first clean the garden of stones and rubbish. In a garden, where grass has grown or it has taken time to be cleaned, pebbles and other rubbish are certainly hidden under the grass.

If you have not taken care to remove them before using the lawnmower, they can become projectiles capable of breaking windows and injuring passersby or yourself. The movements of the mower string are so fast, they can actually throw them around and cause damage. However, apart from these damages, damage can also be caused to the lawnmower itself. So to ensure everyone’s safety and avoid paying for repairs, pay close attention to cleaning up your garden.


Adjust your body to the mower

Whether you are a professional or an amateur, and you want to mow the grass and herbs in the garden, it is good to turn off the lawnmower and repeat the movement. This way, your body will adjust to the mower, you will be sure that you are holding it correctly and that you will have practiced the movement required.

For sure correct work, you can also trust the user manual that you will find in the lawnmower. Keep in mind that you should hold the tool flat, keeping your hands steady. This means the only part of your body you need to move is your torso, for a straighter cut.

Mow your garden

Once you’ve completed the previous steps, it’s time to get to work! Start from the large surface of your garden and leave the most difficult places for the end. With the movements, which you must follow as we mentioned above, you will start mowing your garden little by little, to get an even result. Do not make hasty movements, because the result will not be so beautiful, as there will be no uniformity.

Once you’ve finished mowing the garden, it’s time to tackle the edges and rough spots. Unlike lawnmowers, for example, the lawnmower is the most capable tool to mow such areas. Guided by the edges of the hard surface where the grass is, you can easily mow it in slow motions. Also, thanks to its long pole, you can also mow higher places, ensuring greater safety as you will not need a ladder.

Move away

To finish cleaning up your garden, the last step is to dispose of the grass clippings and leaves. In this case, using a rake will help you gather everything together quickly so that it can be disposed of more easily.
However, apart from the cut grass, due to the power of the mower string, smaller pieces of grass will definitely be thrown in many places. These will be difficult to collect with the rake. In this case, you can either use a broom or, for faster results, a leaf blower that will remove them immediately!


As you understand, mowing and cleaning the garden is a demanding process. However, by following the steps and advice we have given you, you can be sure that you will get excellent results.

Using a lawnmower from Nagea Tools guarantees you even better results in cleaning your garden. You can also see our customer reviews to see how satisfied they were with using our lawnmower.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our lawnmower and other tools. We will be happy to serve you!
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